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Market East
Concept Proposal
The Market East District is in the midst of development changes that will turn it into the most forward- looking neighborhood in the City. The opportunity to develop a gateway feature for the intersection of New Jersey and Market Streets will announce the presence of a district of fast-moving improvements that is still connected to the rich history of Indianapolis. This proposal is based, as requested, on the Houston TX Westheimer Ring, but focused more on sculpture than on way-finding or advertising, as the Market East District is intended to be fully mixed-use and is adjacent to both arts and government centers.
My proposal, Speed, is an aluminum sculpture suspended from poles on each of the four corners of the intersection, high enough for traffic clearance but with a strong visual presence as a gateway one passes under. It represents a three-dimensional drawing in space derived from the act of doing a burnout circle on pavement, typical of what a race car driver does after winning a race: a small victory lap raised into the air. It is a reference to Indy as the most important racing city in the world, as well as touching on our car manufacturing history, the formal Monument Circle a few blocks away, and our nickname of Circle City. I propose the dedication celebration of this sculpture include an IndyCar driver and car leaving mirrored tracks on the pavement below.
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